We Three – Talking New Single and UK Tour

Sibling trio We Three are embarking on their UK leg of their world tour following the release of their album ‘Love Me’ earlier in the year. I caught their show in Newcastle and had a chat with the band talking their new single ‘Dancing In The Dark’ and their love for touring.

One of the first things you notice at a ‘We Three’ show is how excited the fans are to see the band live. The siblings Manny, Joshua and Bethany aren’t afraid to talk about hard and real subjects, in which they said had caused them a few enemies in the music industry because of their honesty. But this is what the audience love, a track to relate to – many of them singing the lyrics out at the top of their voices.

Opening the tour was Coventry based 22 year old singer Alfie Sheard, and American singer Morgan St. Jean. Both artists taking the internet by storm, amassing millions of views from social media platforms. I caught up with Alfie after his set, you can find that here.

‘Dancing The The Dark’ sounds amazing, how did it come about? Would you say it’s an extension of the album that came out a few months ago or looking ahead to the next release?

Thank you! This was meant to be a sort of extension of the “Love Me” record. In this one, we’re having fun exploring some different sounds and feels.

How does the song creating process start for you? And what is the hardest part of putting a track together?

Very organically. There’s not a set way for sure. It’s evolved a lot and will certainly continue to. Right now usually Manny will write something and then throw it into the computer. Sometimes it comes out fully produced and sometimes it’s more in demo form. Once there’s something to work off of, the three of us will get together and finish the tune. Then we’ll meet with the team and talk about release strategy. 

What are you most excited about for your European/UK tour and what can fans expect?

We’re most excited about playing this brand new show. It’s definitely our favorite show we’ve ever put together.

We also just love seeing everyone again…we’ve missed our We Three fan community! We love getting to see familiar faces in the crowd. And there have also been so many new faces this time around too! It’s been a dream. Very excited for this UK leg of the tour.   

“In some ways, the music is the easy part. It’s what comes after the music that’s daunting”

Do you have any Pre-show rituals?

Singing, stretching (Joshua does that mostly) and peeing every two min. We’re very hydrated haha!

What’s it like making music in the industry at the moment?

It has its ups and downs for sure. One of the great parts is how much creative control artists are able to have of their image and their voice with social media and all the incredible technologies we have access to.

But the flip side is the responsibility and weight that comes with that. It’s all on you! You have to make sure it all happens and decide how much to do yourself and how much to entrust to others. In some ways, the music is the easy part. It’s what comes after the music that’s daunting.    

Is there a particular song you’re most excited to play live?

Collectively, the song that’s been the most fun to play live would be “Same Way Too” from our previous record. We didn’t play it last tour but felt it fit well with this one and it’s been a very powerful moment in the set.

Is touring more fun sharing the experiences with your siblings? 

We don’t really know anything else cause this is the only way we’ve ever done it! It’s great though, don’t think we’d have it any other way. There’s a trust we all have that makes many things easier. Although, if we didn’t have our crew with us, we very well may go insane trapped inside a bus together for 6 weeks haha! They’re amazing and they help keep us sane. 

We Three’s new single ‘Dancing In The Dark’ is out now, and you can catch them on their remaining UK tour dates.

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