An Interview with: Byron Langley

Being creative is what Byron Langley is all about, the 26 year-old from South Africa has done everything from acting, YouTube and singing. Today he’s back with his latest single On My Way and an album just round the corner…

I had a chat with him from the confines of lockdown, to talk about everything On My way, the album, tour, and the possibility of being the next Star Baker…

Hey! How are you? How are you coping in lockdown?

It’s been very different from usual life, I’ve been quite lucky in that I work from home to begin with so work hasn’t been that much different, but I’m definitely feeling cabin fever around the house, and I can’t wait to get outside!

Have you discovered any talents?

I haven’t necessarily discovered anything new, but I have definitely rediscovered things I used to do in High School, especially drawing. I’m still a terrible cook, but who knows I might give this cooking thing another go.

Last time I spoke to you you were just releasing Light On, how was that experience?

It was good! But if I could go back and change one thing… during the year we were releasing the song I had to go back to South Africa to film The Kissing Booth 2. That really put a big spanner in the works in terms of time because I was gone for five months. So the actual time it took release the singles on the EP was really spread out, whereas this time we’re a lot more prepared. There’s definitely not going to be any long excursions happening!

Did you learn anything from the previous release?

Yeah definatly! I think the main thing I hang on to was try to keep tracks different, but not so different as I did in Light On. I think a lot of them were complete genre whiplashes, some of the songs just sounded like they were in complete different genres. Whereas this one is kind of sticking to a sound and just trying to make them different, so yeah that was the biggest lesson going forward.

How would you say On My Way is different from tracks you’ve written previously?

We tried to make all the tracks on this album quite fun, and experiment with adding different sounds like the telephone, things I would normally never do but just trying to keep it a bit more lighthearted.

How did the track come about? What was the inspiration for it?

It actually started with a voice note funnily enough. The song starts with the actual voice note that I sung. I don’t know how it happened I must have been listening to music throughout the day, and subconsciously the melody stuck in my head. I sung it out into my WhatsApp voice notes and then put some piano chords around it, then that little bass section in the intro, added a vocal melody onto it, and that was pretty much how it came about.

So it was the melody that came first and the lyrics came second?

Yeah that’s it, the lyrics are the last thing I do – well I did on this track at least.

You said previously that you like the lyrics to reflect where you are or where you’ve been, is that the case for this one?

Yeah I think so. 2020 has definitely felt like a more refreshing start to the year, so I hope the happiness and the good vibes from this album will reflect that, it’s also where I’m at myself personally. I think it’s a good, happy tone!

How would you describe On My Way to anyone that’s not listened to it yet?

An indie-pop happy song!

Who produced the album? Was it the same as your EP?

Yeah it’s a guy called Christo Patricios, his producer name is MusiCli. He’s produced every single one of the songs I’ve done, including this one, and the songs going forward on the album.

Do you think it’s easier or harder making music when you’ve already got stuff out there?

I think it’s a double-edged sword because when you’re first putting songs out there, it’s kind of like drawing someone’s face for the first time. You just have license to give them whatever nose you wan,  or whatever mouth, eyes and hair and you can just do whatever you want.

But when the second album comes out it’s almost like you have to draw that same person looking in a different direction. So you know what the eyes have to look like, and the nose, but they could start to look like two different people if you’re not careful. In a way you have left yourself clues from what you’ve written before, but then you have to make it sound the same but different. There’s positives and negatives from it.

Have you discovered anything about yourself in the process of making music?

Yeah I think so. In terms of trying to improve skills like with the guitar, or piano, or bass, I’ve definitely learnt that the more hours you spend doing things in general in life, you’ll see great improvements. I’m learning golf at the moment for instance, and whenever I’m stuck looking for my ball in the bush (because I suck at golf), I know that because of guitar and stuff the more hours you put into something the better you’ll progress – hey cooking could be the next thing!

Who knows! You’ll be on The Great British Bake Off next!

Haha, hopefully I don’t faint like Joe! We’ll see!


Will there be a music video for On My Way?

There was a plan to do one. I was gonna fly back to Cape Town in South Africa and shoot one there, but unfortunately with Corona virus and lockdown that idea got scrapped. So everything would have to be creatively shot at home now I guess. I don’t think I’ll do a music video per say, but they’ll definitely be some sort of video – maybe a live video in my room.

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You were meant to be going on tour with Joe and Diane before it got postponed, what can people expect from you in it?

Before the show started I was going to perform a 15/20 minute set of all my own songs, and then in the show I’m featured as a character throughout the whole two hour long show. So there was a little bit of dancing, a little bit of singing and a little bit of acting, and the bit at the start where I’m just Byron.

It’s such a shame that show couldn’t happen because it was so much fun during rehearsals and I think people will be quite surprised and thoroughly enjoy it. The next dates are March 2021, so this time next year but I’m really looking forward to it!

Emily helped you create the cover of the album, what’s it like working with her?

Well it’s always super, super easy with Emily, she’s so good at taking photos and finding the right lighting with reflectors and flash lighting. The process is always really quick, but the end results don’t make it look you’ve rushed or anything so it’s spot on. It’s really fun, there’s never any arguments or bickering so thats cool.

What else have you got planned for 2020 music release wise?

We’ve got this single that came out today, then there’s a second single called All My Friends – we’ll put that out in a few weeks depending on how well this one goes. Then the full album is in it’s finishing stages now being mixed, so that’ll be ready definitely this year – hopefully the first half in the height of summer, that would be cool.

How many songs are there?

There’s eight tracks we’re going for, just a bit of shuffling going on – add one, take one away that sort of thing. But we have eight that we’re pretty happy with.

How do you choose which ones make the album?

I think you get a good feel when you’re writing a song in the initial phase, if you think it sticks or it’s catchy, or it’s in your head. Only then will I actually go into putting a beat to it and synthesises. If they all sound like they’re coming from the same album to begin with then it reaches the next stage and you chose your best eight from there. I must have written way more than eight songs, but most of them will never see the light of day.

Who are you listening to right now?

Currently I’m listening to a guy called NoMBe, the guy who produced my tracks actually sent me a link to one of his songs and I’m so really enjoying him at the moment. His music’s been on repeat for about two weeks so I highly recommend that.

Who was your most listened to artist in 2019?

2019, I think it was Twenty One Pilots for a second year in a row!

I asked people on Twitter for some questions, @Sussie60su and @LivingLifeDoggie asked: What has been your favourite track to make?

I enjoy listening to Westside, and if I was going to put something on I guess it would be that.

Finally, @harryaffect asked: If you could listen to only one album for the rest of your life what would it be?

That’s a tough one, I think I’d go for my top artist here and go for Blurryface my favourite album by Twenty One Pilots

On My Way is available to buy and stream now. Check out my previous interview with Byron here, where we talked even more about how he makes music.

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