New Music Friday Review – 15th September

New Music Friday is my favourite day of the week in regards to discovering and listening to new music. I’ve discovered some of my favourite artists through it and it’s a brilliant of way to explore different genres and bands.

Discover my top five hits and song of the day for this week…

My song of the day..

I Love You Will You Marry Me – Yungblud

This track is upbeat, fast and has so much going on about it that it works really well. The lyrics are brilliant and the chorus is catchy and simple, maybe thats why it works so well – the contrast of complicated verses with a simple chorus. They’ve got an Arctic Monkey’s vibe about them and I love how British there are in the way that they sing. It’s the first song I’ve heard from them and I’m looking forward to following them to see what they produce next – because it sounds exciting. Also the music video is brilliant!

This weeks new hit #1

Unknown (to you) – Jacob Banks

Unknown has a John Legend vibe about it and I love it, it’s got so much soul and Jacob Banks puts so much emotion into this track that you can really feel it. It’s a heart warming song and his voice really is his selling point, definitely expect to hear big things from this man.

This weeks new hit #2

Opalite – Martin Luke Brown

I wasn’t sure about this song when it first came on, but when the vocals of Brown kicked in I changed my mind completely. His voice has a really good tone to it, and while it’s quiet a high song he seems to pull it off effortlessly. The chorus is brilliant, it’s catchy but not in an annoying way that some songs can fall into. An artist I had not heard of before, but I will definitely be looking at discovering more of his music.

This weeks new hit #3

The Last Of The Real Ones – Fall Out Boy

This song is powerful right from the start and that’s one of the reasons why I like it. It grabs your attention straight away and the unique vocals of Patrick Stump carry the song through, it’s a track that really shows off his vocal range. The instrumentals and lyrics are also something special when you really listen to them. Fall Out Boy have created some amazing tunes over the years and it’s nice to hear they haven’t lost their touch.

This weeks new hit #4

Coke – Bloxx

I’d never heard of Bloxx before, but after listening to this song I am excited to listen to some of their other stuff. It’s quiet a simple track, with a good beat and vocals – quite repetitive, but it works. You can tell they are an up and coming band (they’ve only been together for a year) but this track really works and it will be exciting to see what else they produce as they continue to grow  – they’re supporting Sundara Karma later in the year and Coke got it’s first radio play from Huw Stephens on Radio 1, promising things for a band who’ve recently hit the year mark.

This weeks new hit #5

If I Dare – Sara Bareilles

This song is all about the vocals for me – Sara Bareilles has such a good tone to her voice and it makes listening to this song really enjoyable. It doesn’t have much of a chorus, but it doesn’t matter. You really get a sense of a story being told on this track, this is mostly due to the build up from the instrumentals, it’s a really clever song, carried by the amazing vocals of Bareilles.

New Music Friday No No

Better Sit Down Boy – Confidence Man

This is my new music Friday no no purely because it’s got so many different elements and they are not really pulled together very well. It’s got a pretty catchy chorus but other than that it just sounds like a wannabe dance track that doesn’t really have much about it. There’s just so much going on and for me it doesn’t work – the music video is just as weird as the song.

I listened to a lot of tracks that have been released today to pick my top tracks. The new music Friday playlist (on Spotify) is a great way to support upcoming artists and discover new and exciting tracks.

These are the tracks I have listened to today: 

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